Fresh Breath

Halitosis Tongue scrapers reduce bad breath Bad breath is a common problem for many people, given the wide variety of substances traveling through our mouths daily. Some people avoid offensive foods and drinks, chew gum, use mouth rinses, or eat mints to mask unpleasant odor. Others cannot escape bad breath quite so easily. At least […]

The Oral Cancer Epidemic

   We’re Fighting Back! And so should you!!!   * A victim of oral cancer dies every hour in the US *25% of oral cancers occur in people who don’t smoke and have no other lifestyle risk factors. * The American Cancer Society estimates a 5.5% increase in new cases of oral cancer and a […]

Take the Epworth Sleepiness Test

What does it mean? You MIGHT have sleep apnea. NOTE: It’s NOT just about preventing life-threatening apneas. Your dentist can frequently help cut down on snoring and improve the over-all QUALITY of your body-restoring rest. And that can go a long way to improving the quality of life. Women Who Snore Snoring is considered by […]

Sleep Apnea and GRD

A surprising number of people stop breathing while they sleep. this can happen hundreds of times a night. It interrupts rejuvenating deep sleep and can lead to changes in the blood. These changes can lead to heart damage or even heart attack. And, when the victim awakens to the restriction in breathing, it brings them […]

Snoring and Sleep Apnea

ZZZZzzzzzzzZZZZZZZ … In 1910 the average amount of sleep was nine hours a night. Today, it’s just seven. Over 100 million Americans snore. The record snore came from Melvin Switzer who topped 92 decibels, according to Guinness. (Heavy traffic is 80dB!) Seriously, though, sometimes snoring is associated with sleep apnea (AP-knee-ah). That means breathing stops, sometimes for […]