Just Gingivitis

Well, maybe a little more than gingivitis… But so many people think it’s natural and normal for their gums to bleed.  “I know I’m cleaning really well if I can make my gums bleed.”  “Oh, it’s just gingivitis.”  And to that I have to ask, Do your elbows bleed when you take a shower?  Well, […]

The Missing Link Between Heart Disease and Dental Health

Sunday, January 04, 2009 For years there have been hints and hypotheses that heart disease and periodontal (gum) disease are associated or share common factors.  Among the more humorous notions held by the uninformed press and public was that heart plaque and tooth plaque were somehow the same thing.  That dubious notion notwithstanding there have […]

Targets and diseases are listed below. Click next to them to read in more depth.

AREAS of ATTACK-read more Heart disease/heart attack/blood vessel disease CLICK HERE Diabetes  CLICK HERE Pre-term/low birthweight babies CLICK HERE Stroke/Brain disease /Alzheimer’s CLICK HERE Cancer  CLICK HERE Joint disease/arthritis  CLICK HERE SEND YOUR PHYSICIAN AND DENTIST TO ZT4BG.com— This can give them a whole new perspective on health, wellness and quality of life. In fact, let us know and we can send […]

Zero Tolerance for Bleeding Gums

Imagine a raw wound the size of your palm on your arm.  Now just rub the foulest dirt you can imagine into that wound.  Do this twenty-four hours a day. Think that’ll be great for the rest of your body (let alone your arm!)?? Heck no, but that’s what we do every day, day in […]