Targets and diseases are listed below. Click next to them to read in more depth.

AREAS of ATTACK-read more Heart disease/heart attack/blood vessel disease CLICK HERE Diabetes  CLICK HERE Pre-term/low birthweight babies CLICK HERE Stroke/Brain disease /Alzheimer’s CLICK HERE Cancer  CLICK HERE Joint disease/arthritis  CLICK HERE SEND YOUR PHYSICIAN AND DENTIST TO— This can give them a whole new perspective on health, wellness and quality of life. In fact, let us know and we can send […]

Zero Tolerance for Bleeding Gums

Imagine a raw wound the size of your palm on your arm.  Now just rub the foulest dirt you can imagine into that wound.  Do this twenty-four hours a day. Think that’ll be great for the rest of your body (let alone your arm!)?? Heck no, but that’s what we do every day, day in […]